Sunday, May 10, 2009

Aysha - 5/10/09

Aysha is back home. No incidents or major concerns in-route. OT/PT starts Monday at RIC- willowbrook . She is doing well, but gets emotional since she is not being allowed to be as active as she is usually. There is noticeable general weakness and less mobility. Her vision seems to be getting better, she has a patch that is being alternated between eyes.


  1. give her hugs and kisses from me......

  2. Great News, I bet she is glad to be back home.

    Russ (MLCO)

  3. Assalamualikum
    Great news - May Allah bless Aysha

  4. may the progress continue! we are so happy for all your blessings thus far! Hugs from Hanna and Mia to all the kids :)
