Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Aysha - 7/07/09

Aysha had her appointment with the neuro-opthamologist. They stated that she did have some damage to her optic nerve. But apparently its still functioning well enough that her vision has not degraded much at all. The issues she is having is not able to look at higher areas in her line of vision without tilting her head up. Hopefully this improves with time. There are other problems but thats the main one right now.
On 7/8/09 she will have the arteriogram at 23o PM in Childrens Hospital in Chicago. She is supposed to be fully sedated for the procedure. And possible hospital stay after that.


  1. May Allah make this easy on Aysha-----Silvi

  2. Shumon/Liya
    Assalaam alaikoom to you all. Yesterday, on 7/12/09, a special prayer was made for Ayesha at the Wallen masjid program. We are continuously praying for her recovery. May Allah (SWT) make her recovery at the earliest and bless your family with His rahamat and barakat.

    Mosharraf Khalu
    Chicago, IL
