Friday, October 2, 2009

Aysha 10/02/09

Aysha's embolization procedure went well according to the doctors. Dr. Shaibani said he was able to fill in the most of the rest of the AVM to about 99 percent. The remaining 1 percent hopefully closes up by itself. At this point, there is no plans for radio therapy. We will have appointments with the doctors in 3 weeks and another angiogram in 3 months. Aysha is doing well, no weaknesses from the procedure this time. She will continue with her therapy and we will make an effort to get her started back to school in the next few weeks.


  1. shumon bhaia.... that is great news about Aysha.

  2. We pray for her quick recovery. I hope things are going okay now and she is continuing her education. Waiting to see the new update whenever you can.
    Khalu, Chicago
