Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Aysha - 4/29/09

Aysha is doing better. She is communicating well. She is able to stand and walk for short distance with help. She is eating pureed food on her own now, although the NJ tube is still in and supplements her intake overnight.
Neurologists want her to start rehab now, this will entail more exercises to return her to normal levels. This will start here in Columbus and then continue in Chicago area.
We will also need to follow up with ophthalmologist as her visual area is limited to lower areas and she needs to angle her head to see some things. God willing, this will get better with time.


  1. Salam. Good news !!!
    Our prayers are always for Aysha - May Allah bless her.

  2. Alhamdulillah, It's great to hear that she is improving. Hope that she gets well soon.

  3. May Allah bless your family. Thank you for taking the time to keep us posted on Aysha's progrees.She is always in our prayer.
    Tiasha and family

  4. Alhamdulillah, Hope that she gets well soon and the remaining medical care be very successful. She is always in our prayers. May Allah bless your family with peace and happiness.
    Khandaker family
