So many family members have visited. Everyone is praying and wishing for full recovery. We appreciate everyone's prayers and concerns and with assistance. Also all those keeping Aysha in their thoughts and prayers from far away. We feel helpless, all we can do is be here for her and keep praying. There is no answer why this happend. We pray to God that he helps our little girl.
MRI showed that the AVM is about 3cm located in the right thalamic area. Doctor mentions this is better than left side since Aysha is right handed and her dominant side is the left side. Also there was no shifting off the ventricles, something positive.
Angiogram shows the flow of blood from the arteries to the veins. In this case, it will the the 'feeding' arteries of the AVM. So neurologists will have a better idea what type of therapy/surgery to plan. The angiogram still show the AVM to be about 3cm wide. Currently neuro is thinking about radiation therapy instead of embolization. Radio therapy (gamma knife) consists for the AVM to thicken and close off with use of radiation.
Embolization consists of using some type of glue, alcohol to close off abnormal vessels.
The draining from the brain has stopped. ICP has been fluctuating radically, concerning the doctors. Another CT scan ordered. It showed that there is nothing more to drain and that the ventricle have collapsed on the catheter therefore nothing else coming out. So the catheter will come out soon.
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