Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Aysha 9/30/09

Aysha is at CMH for an angiogram right now. We were told that while doing the angiogram there was a chance that based on what they saw embolization is a possibility. So just got information that surgeons are performing the embolization on the remaining or addititional AVM veins. At this point, they will not be able to tell us how much will be remaining, if any. There is always risk in these procedures no matter how little it might be. Even 5 percent risk of stroke is quite high. Please keep Aysha in your thoughts and prayers.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Aysha 9/8/09

Aysha is back from the hospital. MRI showed no major issues or bleeding. Aysha will have home tutoring from the school district starting soon for a few weeks. Her left leg is still weak, but its getting stronger. She will begin physical therapy on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays starting this week. She also has an appointment with the neuro-ophthalmologist to checkup on her vision issues.
She will have another angiogram in a month to see the status of the embolization procedure. After that neurosurgeons will plan on the next procedure.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Aysha 9/5/09

We have spoken to Aysha's surgeon and neurologists. They have stated that the weakness on her left side was not stroke related. After her embolization procedure, there was swelling in that area. So that is the reason for the weakness. Currently, she has to go through daily physical therapy to bring her back to her baseline. She had an MRI today, doctors will review it today and possibly release to go home tomorrow. Still there is need for continual therapy, so we are reviewing our options on where to do that.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Aysha 9/4/09

All medications have been stopped. Intubation and catheters have been removed. Aysha is up talking and eating now. She has weakness on her left side. Not sure if this was expected, have to speak to the neurologist. She is a strong and brave little girl, but is getting emotional about her 'leg being heavy.'
Today she will be moved to the neurology floor for evaluation and exercises for the weaknesses. Thereafter release to go home.
Thanks for you support.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Aysha 9/2/09

Aysha's embolization procedure is complete. Dr. Ali Shaibani ( vascular surgeon) stated that the overall surgery went well. He was able to fill up 95% of the AVM area. This drastically reduces the chances of re-bleeding. Also the followup radiation therapy is now at 50/50 chance of happening. This procedure might not be needed.
Aysha is fully sedated and intubated currently and will be overnight. She is being taken for CT scan will be monitored until Friday.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Aysha 9/1/09

Surgery is tomorrow morning. Reporting time is at 6am. Procedure will take 3/4 hours minimum. Aysha will be fully sedated and expected to be in the hospital overnight at least. We are not sure what else to expect.

Please pray for her.