Sunday, November 27, 2011

Aysha - 11/27/11

There have been no procedures since last post and nothing planned until an MRI in March. It has been more than a year since the weakness with Aysha's left side limbs started showing. The progress has been slow if any at all. She goes to weekly physical therapy still. We also try to have her exercise at home. Its a dilemma with with getting the exercises completed as if we don't push her to do as much exercise as possible then her muscles stay weak and if we push her to do the therapies then she get emotional because of the pain and suffering. Her left knee is still hyper-extending when she walks. The left hand is especially concerning since she is hesitant and unable to use those fingers as needed. Its difficult to watch her try to do 'simple' tasks such as put on shoes, pants, jacket, etc. At this point, she does pretty much all things with her right hand only.
We will need to make appointments with psychologists about her emotional well being. We must get an evaluation on psychological status, since we don't totally know how the physical limitation is affecting her. Considering that she was a highly active kid before injury. From being able to do flips on mattresses, easily going back and forth on monkey bars, being first in races at picnics to not able balance properly on one leg.

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